Man holding cash in his hand

Penalties for Prostitution in Texas in 2024

Prostitution has been illegal in Texas since the early 1900s, but prostitution laws in the state continue to evolve and, in many cases, become stricter (notably, Texas became the first state to make a first-time solicitation of prostitution charge a felony). The penalties for prostitution offenses in Texas are all contained in Chapter 43 of…

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Criminal record documents on a table

What is the process for obtaining an expunction in Houston?

Every year in Houston, thousands of expunctions are filed. Most cases that are expunged are misdemeanors with many being DWI expunctions, theft or shoplifting expunctions, domestic violence expunctions or prostitution expunctions.  No matter what the charge, obtaining an expunction in a criminal case is the best possible result as it results in all records of…

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