Man holding cash in his hand

Penalties for Prostitution in Texas in 2024

Prostitution has been illegal in Texas since the early 1900s, but prostitution laws in the state continue to evolve and, in many cases, become stricter (notably, Texas became the first state to make a first-time solicitation of prostitution charge a felony). The penalties for prostitution offenses in Texas are all contained in Chapter 43 of…

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Woman in handcuffs

What is the penalty for prostitution in Texas?

Prostitution is illegal everywhere in Texas. Due to the evidence needed to prosecute a prostitution charge, most people who are arrested for prostitution in Texas are arrested after a police undercover sting. Being arrested for prostitution can be highly stressful due to the potential damage to a person’s background and reputation and the possibility of…

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woman arrested for a prostitution

Do you need an attorney for a prostitution charge?

Prostitution is an offense that is regularly charged throughout the Greater Houston area. Depending on whether a person is alleged to be the buyer or seller of sex, prostitution can be charged as a felony or as a misdemeanor. Although it is possible for a defendant in a prostitution case to defend himself, it is…

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