How Possession is Proved in Drug Cases

In Texas, drug possession charges can carry severe consequences, but proving possession is not always straightforward. Many people assume that possession means ownership, but that is not the case under the law. Prosecutors must prove that a defendant had actual or constructive possession of a controlled substance and knew of its presence. Understanding these legal…

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The Impact of a Criminal Record on Employment in Houston and How Expunction Can Help

Many people mistakenly believe that if their case was dismissed, it will automatically disappear from their record over time. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. In Texas, dismissed charges, arrests, and even certain convictions remain on your criminal record forever—unless you take legal action to remove them. For job seekers in Houston, having any type of…

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Law and justice. Lawyers working with documents at wooden table in office, closeup

How Do I Choose a Drug Possession Attorney in Houston?

In Texas, drug possession charges can be very serious. The possession of any amount of many substances (even the possession some forms of THC products) is charged as a felony with the potential for prison time, fines and a permanent criminal record.  Choosing the right attorney is a very important – though overwhelming – decision….

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Man getting arrested after assaulting a police officer.

What to expect after a third DWI arrest in Houston?

In Texas, punishments for DWIs increase dramatically after each arrest. The first two DWIs are charged as misdemeanors, but a third or more DWI will be charged as a felony in Texas, with the potential for prison time, lengthy driver’s license suspensions, longer probation and a permanent felony record. If you have been arrested for…

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