Charged man speaking with attorney

What Are the Differences Between Probation and Parole?

When you have been charged with a crime, you may be wondering about the penalties you face if convicted. These often include incarceration, fines, community service, and more. Sometimes those who are convicted of a crime face probation. However, many people confuse probation with another program, parole. Here are the differences between probation and parole. …

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Man meeting with his criminal defense lawyer

Is a Garage a Habitation for Purposes of Burglary?

When you break into a habitation without permission from the owner and commit theft or attempt to commit theft, it is called burglary. Burglary is considered a second-degree felony in the state of Texas.  What is a ‘Habitation?’ Under state law, a habitation is defined as “a structure or vehicle that is adapted for the…

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Man charged with domestic violence case

How Are Online Solicitation Cases Defended in Texas

Online solicitation is a very serious offense in Texas. If you are charged with online solicitation you need to speak with an experienced and aggressive attorney immediately. Under Texas law, online solicitation can be committed in several ways. First, a person who is 17 years of age or older commits the offense by communicating through…

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Criminal man being interviewed in interrogation

What is Considered Stalking in Texas?

Healthy relationships should be positive and mutually beneficial. However, not all relationships are healthy; sometimes they may even result in domestic violence. The actions of one party may even become threatening, offensive, or provocative. Stalking, which can be a type of domestic violence, includes harassing contact that would make a reasonable person believe that you…

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Police officer getting out of cruiser

Can the Police Legally Lie to You?

For many people, the police represent the pillars of any peaceful community. That’s why many people assume that a police officer must always tell the truth when asked a question. However, this assumption isn’t correct. In fact, Texas police officers may disguise their identities when they are investigating a potential crime. Aside from their identities,…

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marital wedding rings

What to Know About Marital Rape in Texas

Rape, a type of sexual assault, is a serious crime that involves non-consensual intercourse. When rape occurs with a spouse it is commonly referred to as marital rape. People are capable of raping their spouses. Regardless of what some may believe, women have no duty to have sex with their husbands. When someone says no…

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man acting in self defense

Proving You Acted in Self-Defense in Texas

Once someone is charged with using violence against another person, a common defense is that they were acting in self-defense. Many people claim self-defense after seriously injuring or killing someone else. But how can you prove that it was in fact self-defense after all? Understanding Assault In order to understand self-defense, it is beneficial to…

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prescription fraud

What to Know About Prescription Fraud in Texas

Prescription medications, such as painkillers, depressants, and stimulants help millions of people to live better lives each and every day. However, unfortunately, there are also people who don’t need them but abuse them; opioid addiction has become an epidemic. As a result, many people have turned to prescription fraud in order to get their hands…

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