Female hands on a computer, working in the dark, at night causes much damage to the eyes

Online Escorts Stings: What are the risks and potential charges? How do I keep an arrest off of my record?

In the Houston area, law enforcement agencies such as the Houston Police Department regularly run sting operations to arrest suspected prostitutes and buyers of sex. A large percentage of arrests are related to postings on classified ad forums like listcrawler or websites such as eros.com. But how do these stings work? What potential charges is…

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Police car at night

What if you had no choice but to drive drunk? The defense of necessity in driving while intoxicated (DWI) cases in Texas. 

Texas law contains several defenses that have been approved by the legislature and made a part of Texas law – so-called statutory defenses. Examples of statutory defenses are self-defense, duress or entrapment. Even if you engaged in conduct that amounts to a criminal offense, a statutory defense could be used to find a defendant “not…

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A THC vape pen on a desk

How to Get a THC Vape Pen Case Dismissed

As attitudes regarding marijuana continue to shift and become more liberal, more and more states and cities are legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana. As of November 2022, 21 states, two territories and the District of Columbia have enacted measure that permit marijuana for recreational use. Unfortunately, Texas is not one of those States, and although legalization…

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How Do I Get My Probation Terminated Early?

After years of being under the thumb of the court and probation department, obtaining the help of a Houston criminal defense attorney to get your probation terminated early is an excellent option to consider. Getting your probation terminated early can be the first step to putting your brush with the law behind you and moving…

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Texas’ New Prostitution Law

If you purchase sex in Texas, you will be facing significantly steeper consequences very soon. Texas is increasing punishments for customers of the “oldest profession in the world” beginning September 1 and will be the first state to make johns – the purchasers of sex – subject to felony prosecution. Currently, first-time purchasers of sex…

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