In the Houston area, prostitution arrests are very common. The penalties for prostitution (for the alleged prostitute) or for solicitation of prostitution (for the alleged buyer of sex) can vary drastically. However, whatever the exact charge you are facing, there are certain steps that you can take to help maximize your chance of getting a good result in a prostitution case. This content is provided for information purposes only, and you should always follow the advice of your prostitution attorney.
Always Appear in Court and Follow Your Bond Conditions
The first way to help maximize your chance of a good result in a prostitution case is by following your bond conditions and always appearing in court. After you are released from jail on a prostitution charge, you will have a court date scheduled, typically within a week or two. In the Houston area, a prostitution case will take several months to resolve, and nothing definitive will occur at your first court date. The main thing that will occur in a first court appearance on a prostitution charge is that the judge will review or set your bond conditions, which are the rules that you must follow while your case is pending. These rules can include restrictions on your travel, random drug testing, and restrictions on going to certain places like areas known for prostitution or a business where the offense allegedly occurred.
If you are represented by an attorney at your first court date, your attorney can advocate for you and ensure that your bond conditions will not present a major travel or inconvenience. For example, if you travel for work, your attorney can ask the judge to modify your bond conditions to permit travel for work purposes. Whatever your bond conditions are, it is very important that you understand them and follow them carefully. If you are accused of violating your bond conditions, the judge can revoke your bond, which means that you would have to go back to jail and post a new bond. Getting your bond revoked in a prostitution case not only threatens your freedom but also can make obtaining a good result more difficult as a bond revocation may cause the judge and prosecutors to believe that you are not taking the case seriously.
Of course, it is very important that you always attend your first court date. If at any point your miss your court (or are repeatedly late) a judge could revoke your bond. In Houston, it is possible that your appearance on a prostitute will be waived at future court dates (which means that you will not be required to appear), but you should always assume that you have to be present in court unless you have been told otherwise by your attorney. If you are not sure when your court date is, you should call your attorney or check the Harris County District Clerk’s website.
Stay Out of Trouble
To help ensure that your prostitution charge is resolved favorably, you should also be sure to stay out of trouble. One of the worst things that can happen when a person is on bond in a criminal case is being arrested again on a new charge. This will typically lead to a bond revocation on the first charge and send the wrong message to the judge and prosecutors. Being arrested again would also make it very difficult for your attorney to argue that the first arrest was an isolated incident. If you have been charged with prostitution, it is very important that you avoid people, places, or situations that could lead to another arrest.
Help Your Attorney
While your case is going on, it is possible that your attorney will request information or documentation from you or ask you to complete a class or counseling. To obtain a good result in a prostitution case, it is very important that you assist your attorney with requests such as these.
It usually isn’t necessary that you proactively complete any type of counseling or classes. Always follow the advice of your attorney before you take any steps to assist your prostitution case.
Choose the Right Attorney
Finally, you can help your prostitution case by choosing the right attorney. There are many things to consider when hiring an attorney to handle a prostitution case. These include experience in criminal law, whether the attorney goes to trial, the attorney’s communication skills, the attorney’s price and their familiarity with the local court system. The right attorney can help you maximize your chances of a dismissal in a prostitution case and make it possible to obtain an expunction.
If you are charged with prostitution anywhere in the Houston area, call Ceja Law Firm today. Attorney Jose Ceja is a former prosecutor with extensive experience representing clients charged with prostitution. Mr. Ceja and his staff are all fluent in Spanish.