Commercial truck following another vehicle too closely

Truck rollover accidents are among the most dangerous types of motor vehicle accidents. Victims can suffer lasting physical and emotional injuries when large trucks roll over on the road. Survivors may find themselves having to recover from their injuries, mental anguish, and financial stress simultaneously. 

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a truck rollover accident in Texas, you may have a right to hold the responsible party liable for your damages. The personal injury attorneys at Ceja Law Firm PLLC understand the difficulties auto accident victims face. We have extensive experience negotiating with insurance and trucking companies to pursue the most compensation possible for our clients. Our litigators are prepared to help you understand your rights and pursue the full compensation you need and deserve. 

How Do Truck Rollover Accidents Happen?

Heavy commercial trucks are large and weigh between 20 and 30 times more than smaller passenger vehicles. As a result, large trucks have a less stable center of gravity, making them more prone to rolling over. While truck drivers have protection in their trucks and may only suffer minor injuries in a rollover accident, passengers in nearby vehicles may suffer fatal or catastrophic injuries. Truck rollover accidents are a specific type of accident due to a combination of the truck’s center of gravity and the driving conditions. 

Most truck rollover accidents happen when the truck’s front wheels turn the truck more quickly than the trailer turns. The shape of commercial trucks makes it difficult to find the exact center of gravity. Whether or not a truck is loaded with heavy cargo can also impact its center of gravity. Trucks with a higher center of gravity and a narrow track width are more likely to roll over. When a truck driver turns a corner or curve too quickly or at speeds that are too high, the gravitational force will pull the trailer weight away from its center of gravity, making the truck more likely to skid and roll over. 

Proving Liability After a Truck Rollover Accident

As the victim of a truck accident, you will need to prove liability to recover compensation through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. Drivers are liable when their negligence, recklessness, or intentional activities cause an accident that injures one or more victims. In North Carolina, negligence is the failure to use reasonable care under the circumstances to prevent injuries to others. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may have a right to pursue compensation from one or more of the following liable parties:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • A negligent third-party driver
  • The cargo loading company
  • The maintenance company
  • The manufacturer of the truck or truck parts
  • The municipality responsible for the dangerous road conditions

Common Causes of Truck Rollover Accidents

When a truck driver’s negligence causes an accident, the victim can pursue compensation from the truck driver. Many truck drivers refuse to take legally required breaks and rest time. As a result, they drive while fatigued and are more likely to cause accidents. A truck driver may begin falling asleep at the wheel, wake up, and swerve to avoid colliding with a guardrail or another vehicle. The sudden movement may cause the truck to roll over. 

In other cases, large commercial trucks roll over because they were improperly loaded. For example, if the cargo hasn’t been tied down correctly, it could shift abruptly, causing the truck to roll over. Truck drivers without experience operating large vehicles may lose control of the commercial vehicle on dangerous or wet roads. Inexperienced truck drivers may not know how to respond to dangerous road conditions safely. Other causes of truck rollover accidents include the following:

  • Road rage
  • Speeding
  • Poorly maintained truck brakes
  • Slippery road conditions caused by inclement weather
  • Turning too quickly in an intersection
  • Failure to keep a safe following distance
  • Overcorrection
  • Over- or under-steering 

The Benefits of Hiring an Experienced Attorney

Whatever the circumstances that caused the rollover accident resulting in your injuries, you are likely facing a wide range of complicated legal issues. Truck accidents can be more complex than other types of accidents. Most trucking companies carry commercial insurance policies. 

The insurance provider may send investigators to the scene of the accident to gather evidence to deny or minimize a victim’s claim for compensation. Hiring an attorney as soon as possible can help you level the playing field. Other legal issues victims can face include the following:

  • The at-fault truck driver denies causing the accident
  • The truck driver accuses you of causing the accident
  • The trucking company refuses to provide records, including maintenance records
  • The investigating police officer writes down incorrect information in a truck accident report
  • The insurance company begins pressuring you to accept a low settlement offer
  • The insurance company denies your rollover accident claim

The attorneys at Ceja Law Firm PLLC have extensive experience handling complex truck accident claims. While you focus on your recovery, we will handle every aspect of your claim, including all communication with insurance adjusters. 

How Much Is My Claim Worth?

The value of an auto accident case depends on various factors, including current and future medical expenses. When a victim has suffered catastrophic injuries, he or she could be facing millions of dollars in medical expenses over the victim’s lifetime. Ceja Law Firm PLLC works with medical and financial experts to determine your future expenses, including lost income due to permanent disability. 

Victims can sometimes pursue punitive damages when the trucking company knowingly fails to make necessary repairs or hires a dangerous truck driver. Victims can pursue economic and non-economic damages for their pain and suffering through a personal injury lawsuit. 

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with a Skilled Attorney

There is a lot at stake after a truck accident. Meeting with an attorney as soon as possible can help you protect your claim for compensation. Ceja Law Firm PLLC has a proven track record of recovering the most compensation possible for our clients. We will work diligently to develop an effective strategy for recovering compensation. Don’t hesitate to contact Ceja Law Firm PLLC to schedule an initial consultation and learn more about how we can help you.