Single-Vehicle Accidents In Houston

Large pothole on a busy Texas street

Single-vehicle accidents are common in Texas and throughout the U.S. When most people envision a car accident, they think of at least two vehicles colliding. However, not every car accident involves two vehicles. A single vehicle can collide with a standing object, or` another vehicle could run the vehicle off the road. Pedestrians, bicyclists, and other victims can become seriously injured in single-vehicle accidents.

You may be entitled to compensation if you or your loved one have been seriously injured in a single-vehicle accident in Texas. Single-vehicle collisions can involve complex legal issues. Determining who is at fault can be challenging. The attorneys at Ceja Law Firm PLLC are prepared to advocate for your legal rights. Lead attorney Joe Ceja has a proven track record of successfully fighting for personal injury victims. Contact Ceja Law Firm PLLC to schedule a free case evaluation.

What Constitutes a Single-Vehicle Collision?

A single-vehicle accident occurs when only one vehicle collides with another object. One of the most common accidents involves a driver hitting a stationary object. When a driver was forced off the road for factors out of his or her control, he or she may be entitled to compensation. If you have been forced off the road by another negligent driver or third party, obtaining as much information as possible about the accident is critical. Try to gather the other driver’s contact information, including the license plate information. If there were witnesses to the accident, gather their contact information. 

Single-Vehicle Accidents Caused By Road Defects

Some may assume that the driver in a single-vehicle accident is always at fault for the collision. On the contrary, in some cases, single-vehicle accidents are caused by factors that don’t have anything to do with the driver. For example, a road defect can cause a motorist to lose vehicle control and collide with another object. Potholes, construction debris, and seams can cause a vehicle to veer off course and result in a collision. 

Guardrail defects can also cause severe injuries. When a guardrail is defective, it cannot prevent a driver from veering off the road. The victim may have a right to pursue a claim for compensation against the municipality responsible for the road defect. Pursuing a claim against a municipality can be challenging. The time limits for providing notice of your intent to pursue a claim are strict, so it’s important that you reach out to an attorney as soon as possible.

Accidents Caused By Inclement Weather

None of us can control the weather, but we can control how we respond to dangerous weather. When municipalities fail to reasonably respond to inclement weather conditions, such as snowy or icy roads, the victim may be able to bring a claim against the municipality. The entity responsible for clearing the road can be to blame, and the driver may not be at fault. In other cases, a driver may fail to drive reasonably in inclement weather by failing to slow down. If the driver causes a pedestrian or another person on the road to become injured, he or she may be at fault.

A Third-Party Driver May Be At Fault

A third-party driver could still be liable even if a driver didn’t collide with another vehicle. For example, if a third-party driver followed a driver too closely, the driver in front could be forced to drive the vehicle off the road. Alternatively, if a car brakes too suddenly, the driver behind the vehicle may be forced to take decisive action and veer to the side, causing a single-vehicle accident. The driver who braked too suddenly may be liable for the resulting accident. Other cases involve debris falling off of another driver’s vehicle. If the driver or cargo loading company fails to secure the cargo, they could be liable for your injuries. 

Single-Vehicle Accidents Caused By Vehicle Defects

Vehicle designers and manufacturers must use reasonable care to design and manufacture safe products. Manufacturing errors or defective designs can render a vehicle unsafe. Similarly, negligent maintenance could result in a dangerous vehicle. Defects with the steering columns, brakes, tires, wipers, and airbags can cause a driver to become involved in a single-vehicle accident.

Pursuing the Full Amount of Compensation You Deserve

Proving the defendant in your case is the first step in getting compensation. Attorney Jose Ceja will thoroughly investigate your case and identify the party or parties whose negligence caused the accident that resulted in your injuries. We have the resources and professional network needed to work with medical and financial experts to carefully determine the full amount of your current and future medical expenses. 

After identifying the at-fault party or parties, we will begin pursuing the full amount of compensation you need and deserve. You may have a right to pursue compensation through the at-fault driver’s insurance policy. Additionally, injury victims may be able to pursue compensation by filing a claim with their own insurance policy through an uninsured or underinsured motorist claim. 

When a third party is at fault for your injuries, we will begin pursuing a claim against them. In Texas, personal injury victims can obtain compensation for past and future medical expenses, property damage, lost income, loss of earning potential, and non-economic damages for pain and suffering.

Discuss Your Case with a Texas Car Accident Attorney

When a victim becomes injured in an unavoidable accident that involves another object or person, the victim may have a right to compensation. Individuals injured in a single-vehicle car accident have the same legal rights as those injured by a two-vehicle collision. 

If you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, it’s crucial that you discuss your case with a skilled attorney. You may be entitled to substantial compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages. Contact Ceja Law Firm PLLC to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consultation and learn more about how we can fight for you.