Experienced Houston Criminal Defense Attorney
Being charged with a criminal offense can be a frightening, overwhelming experience. With your freedom and record on the line, it is critical to have an experienced, hardworking, and tireless criminal defense law firm on your side.
If you are charged with a criminal offense in the Greater Houston area, Jose Ceja, the lead attorney of Ceja Law Firm, is the right person for the job. With a well-earned reputation as a skilled, zealous advocate, he is ready to challenge every aspect of the State’s case and help ensure the best possible outcome in your case.

Ceja Law Firm’s Criminal Defense Practice Areas
Ceja Law Firm is a comprehensive criminal defense law practice. We handle a great many areas of criminal defense, including:

It is important to be aware that convictions for DWI offenses will no doubt result in increased insurance rates, may give you a permanent criminal record, and, if the convictions are for felonies, prevent you from voting, make you ineligible for many types of employment, and keep you from possessing a firearm. Also, even after you get your license back, you may have to pay a driver’s license surcharge of hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
Ceja Law Firm stands out among the many criminal defense law firms in Texas because of our commitment to being personally responsible and giving each case a high degree of individualized attention.

Techniques Used in Criminal Defense
At Ceja Law Firm we recognize that every case is unique and therefore approach your case with an open mind, ready to explore all options. Unless you have an unassailable alibi, we may use one of the following defenses:
Illegal Search and Seizure
Law enforcement officials cannot search your home without a warrant unless they have reasonable cause to suspect that you have committed a crime. If they have engaged in illegal search and seizure, and then found evidence of criminal activity, the charges will typically be dismissed.
In such cases, you must have acted to protect yourself from possible assault and must have had a reasonable cause to feel yourself to be in immediate danger.
A necessity defense means that although you admit doing something that would ordinarily be against the law, the action you took was justified by the particular circumstances. In order for a necessity defense to be successful, we must be able to prove (among other things) that there was a significant threat, to you or another, necessitating immediate action, that there was no practical alternative to breaking the law, and that the harm you caused was not greater than the harm you prevented.
Duress means you were coerced, threatened, or otherwise forced to commit the illegal act and are, therefore, not responsible for it.
To use a defense of entrapment, law enforcement must be involved in your crime. The challenge here is to convince the judge or jury that without being enticed or pressured by law enforcement officials, you would never have committed the crime in the first place.
Mistake of Fact
The law recognizes that you may commit what appears to be a crime, but is actually a misunderstanding or mistake. If, for example, you take a person’s purse or knapsack home because it looks just like yours, you cannot legally be convicted of theft. Even though you knew theft to be a crime and engaged in the illegal action, you misunderstood the facts of the situation.
As a prosecutor, Ceja became intimately acquainted with search and seizure law and underwent extensive specialized training in a great many areas of criminal defense including gas chromatography (blood testing), computer forensics, and the administration of standardized field sobriety testing. All of this familiarity with prosecutorial techniques is invaluable in developing viable defense tactics.

Our office is known for winning a high number of “no bills” from grand juries (meaning the defendant will not be indicted), dismissals, acquittals, and reductions of charges. You can rely on Ceja Law Firm to fight vigorously for your rights, your freedom, and your future.
Beyond his excellent credentials and numerous awards, Jose Ceja offers you the advantage of his previous experience as a felony prosecutor. Having begun his work as an attorney on the opposing side of the law, he has valuable insight concerning what you may be up against in your present case.

When You’re in Trouble, Call on Ceja Law Firm
We are here to help you if you ever find yourself in a situation where you are unable to help yourself. Jose Ceja has the professional know-how and determination to get your case dismissed, your charges reduced, or your sentence lessened. If your case proceeds to litigation, he will fight for you with all his might, leaving no stone unturned as he works to save your reputation, your employment, and your freedom. Consult with us by phone or contact form. We’re eager to help.
Being seriously injured can be an extremely distressing experience, all the more so when your injury is the result of another person’s negligent, reckless or malicious behavior. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a car or truck accident, slip and fall, or even a dog bite, Ceja Law Firm is here to protect your right to just compensation.

Wherever your injury has taken place, Jose Ceja is prepared to take over all the legal and logistical aspects of your case while you concentrate on healing. He is well aware that you have been through an emotional, as well as a physical, trauma, and will give you the personal attention you deserve.
At Ceja Law Firm, we have the skills to investigate the details of your case, find irrefutable evidence that you have been hurt by the other party’s negligence or disregard for your safety, and fight aggressively to obtain the damages you need to heal and put your injuries behind you.

An Attorney You Can Trust
When you come to Ceja Law Firm, you are coming to a superior practice. Jose Ceja is an experienced trial attorney who has tried over 50 cases to verdict. He has been recognized by Houstonia Magazine and H-Texas magazine as a top lawyer in Houston and holds a perfect rating from Avvo.com. This kind of recognition is hard won, indicating multiple positive client reviews, hearty endorsements from peers, and a clear track record of successful outcomes. When you engage his services, be assured that you are connected to an attorney who is not only a fine legal representative but a sympathetic advocate who will always have your back.
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Houston, TX 77098
Pasadena, TX 77504